Expanding, Collaborating and Learning – The focus of a new year
This is the year for growth and expansion in business and in my personal life. I strongly believe that in order to grow there must be something to learn from. I am reaching out and grabbing onto each opportunity that comes may way and this is one that I just know is going to be beneficial for all involved.
So, there is this virtual expo that is approaching and I’m excited to be a vendor for the ‘Grass IS Greener’ Virtual Health & Wellness Expo from Feb 11-21, 2014. MyCoCreations and other vendors will be offering incredible deals, free teleconferences in addition to the health and wellness information you’ve been looking for. Check out http://intensehigh.com/gig-expo/ for more information.
Please join in and get excited about the information being shared and what you can do with it once you learn!