Did you get served a summons foreclosure and don’t know what to do? Keep reading as you may find a piece of information that will help you.

I am currently in the same position and I didn’t know what I COULD do.  When you don’t know what your options are you start stressing out and spinning your wheels and since I know exactly how that feels I wanted to put together some resources that were shared by my amazing Facebook community!

I will continue to update this as I receive/learn more information.

If you want to save your home

  • Refinancing or loan modification may be able to keep you in your home.
  • You may be eligible for Hardship loans or Personal loans
  • Filing for Bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may be a good option for you depending on your situation.
  • Represent yourself also known as Pro Se.  You will need to determine the laws of your state.
  • + File for a Stay
  • + File a motion to cancel the foreclosure
  • Prior to the sale of your home,  you can attempt to sell it Buy Owner.
  • If you have friends or family that are able to purchase your home and rent it out to you or work something out.

If you DON’T want to stay in your home but want to avoid foreclosure

If you need to raise money to move

  • Loan – Interest-free/friend funded – Kiva.org
  • Loan – Car loan Equity loan
  • Loan – https://www.marcus.com
  • If you belong to a church, they may be able to assist you financially.
  • Know your rights, search by state and find out what the eviction/judicial sale rules are.
  • There are jobs that provide money to relocate.  When searching for a job, add the terms “relocation package” to your search to find jobs that are willing to pay you to move in order to work for them.

Legal Help

What You Can Do

  • If your lender has been unfair or unreasonable with working with you can file a complaint against your lender.
  • If you’ve kept all the notices, letters, summons’, contract or any other written agreements, cross reference the dates to verify the complaint dates are legitimate and if not file a complaint against your lender.
  • If you were never notified that your loan was being service transferred to another servicer by both the old and new loan servicers then file a complaint against your lender.
    • OCC Complaint – https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/dispute-resolution/consumer-complaints/index-consumer-complaints.html
    • CFPB Complaint – https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/
  • Obtain a copy of your title if you do not have it or know the known the name of your current servicer.
    • Easytitlesearch.com
  • Contact a title clearing service I used SSP Title.  Rachelle office (404) 890-7068 email rachelle@ssptitle.com.
  • Did you know that you can sell your home even though there is a pending foreclosure?  That was news to me!  Just make sure that you use a realtor to list it for you.

Moral Support

Reach out to me, I definitely innerstand what you are going through and at the very least I can lend my ear to you!

Listen in to the interview where I talk about the details and others chime in with their knowledge and personal stories.






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