I’ve been doing a 3 day fast for awhile now.  I’m not on a schedule or anything as I dislike schedules that repeat themselves in an endless loop.  I’d rather listen to my body and fast when I “hear” it telling me that it’s needed. 

Now some may ask, “why do you need to fast if you only eat all natural and organic foods?”  My answer, “in reality no matter how much good food we eat there is always some level of toxins that are reaching our system.  We don’t have control over the air we breath or what falls from the skies onto our food (even if we grow it ourselves and if we are not growing in a greenhouse).”  So I fast to cleanse my body of toxins I unknowingly have absorbed, from the sugar, starch and meat that I consume.  I do my best to eat the highest quality foods available to me however I do not subscribe to a diet where I don’t eat certain things like meat, sugar, starch etc.

I used this time to create a few raw desserts and meals and made a few things that I will be adding to the current meals I make.  The raw kiwi coconut lime pie was so unbelievably good the recipe can be found here.  I also made a curried cucumber and onion salad with avocados that made my mouth and my body very happy!

What did my fast/detox consist of?

Well for the first 3 days I allowed myself lots of fresh raw fruit and veggies in addition to lots of smoothies.  The following 2 days it was veggies (both raw and lightly steamed) and smoothies.  The last 2 days were just fresh juice blends.   During the first few days when I felt hungry even after my fruit/veggies and smoothies, I would eat a handful of un-roasted/un-salted organic cashews.

I thought this regime was going to be hard to follow because I am away from home for a majority of the day while working and thought how can I possibly make this work.  Well, I washed, cut up and prepared my fruit/veggies/smoothies the night before.  In the morning I packed my lunch in a waterproof bag and added two ice bags.  This kept my edibles cool and crisp throughout my work day.  On the 2nd to last day I received my Essence of Vitality (EOV) tonic from Chef Ahki.  I must say that the first few days were extremely hard to get this tonic down because of the bitter taste but upon taking it I could almost immediately feel the effects.  I had increased energy, decrease in appetite and more frequent visits to the bathroom (Yup I said it, because I’m real and I tell the truth).

Several days after continuing the tonic, even after I ended my fast/detox I am still energized, I am use to the taste and trips the bathroom are less frequent.  I feel lighter and even some of the fullness of my belly has gone down.  I don’t weight myself because I don’t think a number means anything however my clothes are fitting a little looser, so I know it’s not psycological ๐Ÿ™‚

This was a successful journey for me because not only did I prove to myself that I can do what I put my mind to, I also created a few new dishes and desserts that I will add to my recipe book and I found an all natural and organic tonic that I trust and believe in!


Thanks for reading, please share your stories/comments below.  I love to have feedback and learn from others and that is why I share…because I care ๐Ÿ™‚



  1. Thank you for all the helpful tips! This will surely help get me to my optimal health. I love nutrition, exercise and feeling healthy. I suffer from a lot of different health issues especially GI related and your tips are much appreciated! I will keep you posted on how I feel after trying all you have explained above ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Great! I'm glad something I've shared fit's into your lifestyle or the one you are trying to achieve. Please keep me posted ๐Ÿ™‚

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